Monday, June 23, 2014

Planning a Europe trip.

Look up graduate schools., I mean start, my Physician Assistant applications. Cancel my free month of Netflix [before the 24th]. Sleep. -- All the things I should have been doing between 10pm and 2am...which is where I find myself now.

What was more important than all of the above, you may ask? Obviously pinteresting my trip to Europe for next summer. However, I cannot be fully to blame: a close friend leaves for France tomorrow which has plummeted me into a travel-bug-depression. So naturally, I decided to be extremely productive and plan my every minute of August 2015. 

This is probably not a time wasting task in your eyes, but then again, you've only seen a small portion of my "To-Do" list. The funniest bit of it all is that if I am accepted to any of the schools I'm supposed to be applying to, Europe will be off the table as I'll begin school in May. Should I be hoping I get accepted or rejected? It's a catch 22 all the same... I'm having a very I-don't-know-what-to-do-with-my-life-even-though-it's-already-planned-out moment/melt down. And if you've ever made any decision in your lifetime, I think you can relate.

But until then, friends, help me plan my trip! Let me know what you recommend!

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