Monday, June 23, 2014

Planning a Europe trip.

Look up graduate schools., I mean start, my Physician Assistant applications. Cancel my free month of Netflix [before the 24th]. Sleep. -- All the things I should have been doing between 10pm and 2am...which is where I find myself now.

What was more important than all of the above, you may ask? Obviously pinteresting my trip to Europe for next summer. However, I cannot be fully to blame: a close friend leaves for France tomorrow which has plummeted me into a travel-bug-depression. So naturally, I decided to be extremely productive and plan my every minute of August 2015. 

This is probably not a time wasting task in your eyes, but then again, you've only seen a small portion of my "To-Do" list. The funniest bit of it all is that if I am accepted to any of the schools I'm supposed to be applying to, Europe will be off the table as I'll begin school in May. Should I be hoping I get accepted or rejected? It's a catch 22 all the same... I'm having a very I-don't-know-what-to-do-with-my-life-even-though-it's-already-planned-out moment/melt down. And if you've ever made any decision in your lifetime, I think you can relate.

But until then, friends, help me plan my trip! Let me know what you recommend!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

How to: French Press Coffee.

Well hello there, coffee-connoisseur. If you've grown tired of your drip coffee, you've come to the right place. As a self-admitted coffee-addict, I enjoy trying different ways of making coffee. Not to mention my mother and brother who are probably more addicted than me...seriously though, does anyone know if there's a Betty Ford clinic for people like us?

Americans enjoy naming things after countries which did not originally create that product, so naturally, when the way of pressing coffee to create a different flavor and texture was created in Italy (1929), it became known as "French Press Coffee" across the United States.

Pressing the coffee grounds using the following technique will create a smoother and fresher taste to the coffee. And in my humble opinion, I believe it gets a touch (a very slight, but noticeable, touch) creamier.

Now for the reason you came: 
You will need:
  • course coffee grounds. If you buy your coffee from a local shop, grab your favorite flavored bean and ask the bar to grind it "course" or simply ask for a "french press grind".       If you buy from the grocery store, find a grinding machine and set the dial to a course grind.
  • A french press. You can find these online, at kitchen-ware stores, target, etc. I got mine from TJ Maxx. They typically are fairly inexpensive (or at least should be). Don't be spending $40 for a 4-cup's not going to make that much of a difference. 

This is a French Press:

  1. Get out that course ground coffee I've been yapping about and scoop some into the bottom of the glass of the press. Typically, I like to do 1 scoop per 1 cup of water. Though if you like it stronger, add accordingly.
  2. Boil the corresponding amount of cups/scoops of water.
  3. Once water comes to a boil, pour water into the glass (YES overtop the coffee grounds).
  4. WAIT 3-5 minutes for the grounds to infuse in the water.
  5. Put the "lid" of the french press on (it's the fancy mesh/filter/pump looking thing) and slowly push the pump down which filters out the grounds from the water.
  6. Pour into cups, and enjoy!
Step 1
Step 2 & 3

Step 4 & 5
Step 6

Pair with some fresh bread from your local farmer's market for a tasty German breakfast or afternoon treat.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Celebrating my dog's birthday.

My goldendoodle's 2nd birthday was today, of course we celebrated! Now I understand many people think celebrating a dog's birthday is a ridiculous practice, but I just couldn't help myself.

 Though to be fair...I did cut back quite a bit, so that I wouldn't seem like a lunatic. We bought the sheet cake from the grocery store instead of the pretty piped one from the bakery. He didn't get to see all the neighborhood dogs, just got to invite his closest 10 over. Oh, and don't forget the birthday hat: not the jeweled store-bought one, simply homemade.

I joke, of course. Except for the hat. The hat really did happen (and he wore it for hours, might I add).

Here's an incredibly cute picture on his big day:
You can find many more pictures of him on my instagram (username: ggretcher).... shameless plug over.

Tell me - does anyone else make themselves look like idiots for their dogs? I know I can't be the only one!