Thursday, September 17, 2015

1.5 Days In Barcelona, Spain

The start to our Euro-tour took off from Chicago with a 9 hour flight to Berlin. We met up with some old friends, and boarded a plain to Barcelona! 

Getting Around
Once we were in the airport, we quickly found the signs for the train and took it to the station closest to our apartment.
 A local gave us a tip: buy the T10 ticket (10 Euros = 10 uses) which can be shared among your group...saved us some money in the end!
Aside from taking the metro to different areas in the city, we just walked. Barcelona is easier to navigate than you may imagine, so unless you are completely lost, don't bother with a taxi!

For Barcelona, we used to find somebody's apartment for rent. Airbnb is a great website if you are looking for more bang for your buck. For a full apartment (2 rooms, kitchen, living room, and bathroom) we paid 60 Euros a night. 
Tip: Airbnb is better if you plan ahead of time as the host often has to accept your request before it's certain. So if you have short notice or limited phone/wifi use, maybe use an instant booking website (like

You can check out all the sights we chose with our limited time in the video above! 
My recommendation if you also have limited time is to choose more of the free sights (the Gaudi museum and Sagrada church are ones we chose to walk and take pictures of in place of paying 15 euro a person to get in) 
If you're a beach goer, Barcelona is the place for you. The water is incredible (even in September) and the sun is always shining. We spent only a couple hours here, but if you have more than 2 or 3 days in Barcelona, make the beach a destination.
Tip: There are many hustlers on the beach selling water, beer, mojitos, sunglasses, etc. Don't be afraid to haggle with them. The mojito man asked for 5 Euros a cup, and we got it for 2 Euros. If they say no, 1: they will most likely give in and sell it to you, and 2: another mojito man will walk by willing to take your deal.

Tapas! Tapas! Tapas! 
....When in Rome...or I suppose, Barcelona!
Find a restaurant with 2/3 Euro tapas and order a few for yourself. You can share with the table (and most restaurants will offer a larger portion for a couple more euros) and order more if you are still hungry.

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